
Saturday 3 July 2010

62/365 St. James, Southbroom

This is one of my end-of-course assignment photographs, the first shot is the original, as taken, and the second is the submission, after some image enhancements.

I think it shows up to good effect the cannon ball hole in the side of the tower (in fact there are two, but it was difficult to get both in a shot without a lot of other rubbish as well), which is reputed to have been made by Oliver Cromwell's army when they were encamped on Roundway Hill.

As I looked through the list of my submissions, I see that several of them, in their original format, have already appeared in this blog, so it will almost be a case of deja vu as I show them over the next couple of weeks. I sort of miss the course, it became such an important part of everyday life over the last 9 weeks, but I guess I'm pleased now that its over and I can get on with normal stuff, like cleaning the house and weeding the garden, activities which have mostly been on hold for the duration. I am lucky to have a laid back and understanding husband who very rarely complains - although if he had done I would have been able to point out that the course was his idea in the first place!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

hi joy - i've enjoyed looking at all your photos - what course did you do and what did you learn from it???
if you're missing taking photos you could always join my summer photo challenge over on facebook - this week is reflections - which i know you covered on your course - it's just a bit of fun and no pressure just add your photos when you can!!!
regards tracy