
Sunday 18 November 2012

Pumpkin Soup

Yes, I know its a bit late, I bought the pumpkin back in mid-October, but then I had other things to do, then it was cakes for Marissa's birthday, and it wasn't until yesterday that I had time to make it.

Rummaged through the fridge and found about a third of a swede and some celery, pulled potatoes and onions out of the veg cupboard and a plastic container of lentils.

Only used about half of the pumpkin, so hopefully when this lot is gone it'll still be OK in the fridge and I can make some more.

Saved a couple of seeds, so I can try growing my own for next year.

Chopped all the ingredients into the pan with water to cover, added some mixed herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Simmered slowly for a couple of hours.

Dished up



chica said...

Ótima idéia e lindas fotos !! beijos,tudo de bom,chica

Claudia Moser said...

Similar to my recipe, I love it in autumn!

moonstruckcreations said...

Yum I do love a nice homemade soup at this time of the year.

The pumpkin seeds are great toasted as well.


Paula - Buenos Aires said...

The preparations look really cheerful too, so colourful. :)

Busy Little Chicken said...

I still have a pumpkin on the side in my kitchen which didn't manage to get used for Halloween as we were away!! I'm off to make soup with it now before it goes bad!! :)

Chrissy C said...

Brillant Mrs. Beeton